72 degrees, overcast and pleasant
wind, 17 mph
28% humidity
The last couple of weeks have been all over the place. Cold, windy, dry, now balmy. This was the scene just 1-1/2 weeks ago:
our backyard during the final snow (we hope)
Most of my work outdoors has been of the sod-ripping kind: I've laid in the outlines of the new, larger beds, and dug out part of them. Much more to go, which is a bit overwhelming, but also nice in that it is simple labor. I call it part of my de-screening process after spending the whole day on the computer.
one small section of what I am taking out |
My pull to be outside is intense. Every year, it's like this. I woke up this morning at 8am and head directly outdoors. By 10:30am, I had weeded, assembled my new tiller (which is a freakin' animal!), distributed compost over most of the garden, tilled it in, built two pea fences, and planted two varieties of peas. (I'm adding a new widget that will list the varieties of things I'm growing.)
trying to keep up with my little animal |
happy tilth |
made for the peas from old dog fence left by previous owners
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